Become a Dr. Hyde Park Patron

August 28th, 2024

Play your part in refurbishing the Roscommon GAA county grounds by becoming a Dr. Hyde Park Patron.

As you know, Roscommon GAA successfully applied for planning permission to refurbish Dr. Hyde Park. The work is being completed in stages with the most prominent element so far being the installation of new seats, a state-of-the-art wheelchair section and new dugouts. The next phases of work will be to upgrade the Dressing Rooms, and Toilet Blocks, and install Turnstiles.

While we have some funding in place, we will need your support to complete the project. Under (Irish) Revenue Commissioner rules, an approved sports body can claim Tax Relief on donations made to a project approved by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the Dr. Hyde Park refurbishment is one of the approved projects. 

Since we launched our Dr. Hyde Park Patron Scheme in May 2024 we have had a great response. A big thank you to everyone that has contributed. As the scheme donations must be made within the calendar year we are now urging supporters/donors to make their contribution in the coming weeks so that we can finalise the fund before the end of the GAA financial year which ends on September 30th.

What are the details of the scheme?

We are asking anyone with an affinity to Roscommon GAA to donate €300 towards the project. We had several discussions about the possibility of donating different amounts, but it was felt that providing only one option was best, considering the scale of what we are trying to achieve.

Under the approved donation scheme, when a PAYE-only taxpayer donates, it is considered to be net of tax. So, if someone pays tax at 40%, the €300 would equate to 60% of the donation (similarly, if someone pays tax at 20%, the €300 is considered as 80% of the donation). In both cases, Roscommon GAA County Board can claim a refund of tax on the donation directly from the Revenue Commissioners.

What will donors receive in return for their donation?

All benefactors will have their name(s) inscribed on a prominently displayed patrons’ board at Dr. Hyde Park.

Benefactors will also have the option to use the space to honour a deceased family member.

An important point to note is that one of the rules of the tax rebate scheme that revenue offers is that no prize incentive can be offered. If, for example, we were to run a raffle in conjunction with this donation fundraiser, we would lose up to 67% of the value of each donation.
It is also important for everyone to understand that this scheme is separate from the day-to-day running costs of the County Board.

How can I donate? 

Full details are available in our Patron Scheme brochure. In summary, donations can be made On-Line, via Standing Order (once off or periodically), until June 2024, any time via Bank TransferCardCheque, or Cash. We’ll also need you to complete and return the following forms:

If you’re paying in person, forms will also be available from the Roscommon GAA Offices, Astor Building, St Ciaran’s Road, Roscommon town – it’s open from 12 pm – 2 pm, Monday to Friday

I’m retired/not a taxpayer but would like to contribute – is that possible?

Yes, your support would be much appreciated. Donate online, in person at the Roscommon GAA Offices, Astor Building, St Ciaran’s Road, Roscommon town – it’s open from 12 pm – 2 pm, Monday to Friday or via the other methods mentioned above – Full details are available in our Patron Scheme brochure

What if I am a company or self-assessed?

The position of self-assessed taxpayers and companies are different. In their situation, they claim relief on their tax return. Tax relief is given at their marginal rate of tax. The self-assessed individual or company should claim the donation as an expense when calculating their total income or profit.

If you have any further queries about becoming a Dr. Hyde Park Patron please email

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