Irish Life Healthy Club Steps Challenge

Keep active and help your club win with the Irish Life Healthy Club Steps Challenge
4 x €2,500 O’Neill club vouchers up for grabs during June challenge
Throughout the Covid-19 emergency, GAA clubs across the 32 counties have been helping their members and communities stay healthy and connected within the restrictions of public health advice.
To help reward this contribution and to celebrate the importance of staying active, the GAA’s Community & Health Department has teamed up with Irish Life, CSR partners to the Healthy Club Project, to launch a special ‘Steps Challenge’ set to run during the month of June.
Four lucky clubs will win a €2,500 voucher with O’Neill’s. All clubs must to do is:
· Register your club’s participation by June 1st on Irish Life’s MyLife App
· Get a minimum of 15 participants to register on the club page on the MyLife App
· Get walking! (See below for detailed registration instructions.)
The club in each province that records the highest average number of steps during the challenge period will win. Participants must be aged 18 and over.
The Steps Challenge, which officially begins June 3rd, is open to all GAA clubs. (See below for step by step guide of how to register your club.)
GAA President John Horan thanked Irish Life for their on-going support: “Irish Life, along with Healthy Ireland, the HSE, and the National Office for Suicide Prevention, has worked with the GAA as our valued CSR partner for the Healthy Club Project since 2014, helping us to engage 300 clubs to date in this health-focused project.
“This Steps Challenge celebrates and rewards the fact that GAA clubs are supporting the wellbeing of their members and their communities even when our official training and games have been forced to stop.”
Commenting on this initiative, Declan Bolger, Chief Executive, Irish Life Group said: “MyLife is Irish Life’s innovative Health & Wellbeing App that can be downloaded and used by everyone. It is a great tool to help us all stay healthy and fit along with offering rewards to Irish Life customers. As the CSR partner to the GAA Healthy Club Project we are delighted to collaborate on the Steps Challenge, and help people in our communities and GAA clubs stay active and well during this challenging and unusual time.”
The Challenge starts on June 3rdt and ends June 30th, 2020.
What do I need to do to take part?
Register your club’s participation by June 1st on the following link:
How do club members join the challenge?
1. Download the MyLife app from the App store or Google Play store · Apple App Store – · Google Playstore –
2. Register your details
3. Tap on the social tab on the MyLife app
4. Select challenges
5. Select the challenge for your province
Tap on join & select your club!
(For MyLife support and help: Email or call 01 704 1943)