Ollie’s Marathon Challenge.

December 16th, 2021

Roscommon Senior Ladies Football Manager, Oliver Lennon is looking for your support for a very worthy cause.

Ollie has been running the equivalent of a marathon — 26.2 miles or 42 kilometres, every week since the start of the year as part of Ray’s Marathon Challenge to raise funds for LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice. To date he has run over 2,000km and he has just 3 marathons to complete before the end of the year.

You can donate via the link below.


Ray D’Arcy is a long-standing supporter of LauraLynn – Ireland’s Children’s Hospice and he is also an avid runner which is how Ray’s Marathon Challenge was born. Ray decided to set the nation’s running lovers a challenge of clocking up 26.2 miles in a week, every week, for a full year!   Ray is hoping to get 1000 like-minded people to sign up and join his challenge. If every one of those 1000 people raised €500 each throughout the year, that would raise a whooping half a million euro for LauraLynn.  LauraLynn is Ireland’s only Children’s Hospice providing hospice and palliative care to children with life-limiting conditions and their families. Last year, 374 children and families from every corner of Ireland availed of LauraLynn care, supports and activities. All funds raised from this challenge will go towards supporting these children and their families.  

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