A New Gym For Roscommon GAA!
This year, Roscommon GAA have backed plans to redevelop our gym in Roscommon town. This premises will be available to our adult squads in the coming weeks and more importantly, our underage squads will now have a safe, supervised centre to facilitate their physical development.
The County Board have also backed the vision of consistently testing and screening our players on an ongoing basis, this screening and testing is fundamental to addressing areas of concern around potential injuries. Unfortunately, there will always be injuries in sport, but with correct monitoring it is possible to use a ‘stitch in time’ approach to many cases.
We also want to create a safe and fun environment within the gym for our underage squads. It can be easier create a team environment at times in a gym setting due to the confined space. We also want to ensure players fully understand correct lifting techniques before they start joining gyms or start purchasing their own equipment.
The testing and screening equipment purchased, has come from ‘Vald Performance’ in Australia. Their products are used by the NBA, NFL, AFL and all premiership clubs and are regarded as the gold standard globally.
The specific products purchased include the NordBord, Forceframe, Forcedecks, Smartspeed Pro and the HumanTrak analysis. All products can be seen on YouTube through the Vald Performance profile or via valdperformance.com
Over the coming weeks, adult and underage panels will be requested to attend the gym in Roscommon Town and I am also asking for the support of players and parents alike.
I want to mention some people who have helped endlessly in the development of the gym over the last number of months. I want to thank the County Board for backing my vision along with Willie and my colleagues in Roscommon GAA. I want to thank all Managers who are cooperating with the upcoming testing for all panels. I want to thank David Gately and his team – James and John for their carpentry services, Stephen O’Connor for the stairs build, Noel Beattie and team for the steelwork, David Beattie and team for electrical work, Noel Doyle for property services, Seamus Gallagher for fingerprint access services, Jan Pazitka for IT support, Kieran Hughes for site maintenance and finally, transition year student Cian Moran for all his help during work placement.
Gary Flannery
Head of Performance